pid type title authors mentors source_title published_date url doi isbn issn eissn morest:117 thesis "Predvidljivost dnevnih kretanja dobrih dupina (Tursiops truncatus) u obalnim vodama Cresa i Lošinja" "Pokupec, David" iztzg:86 "other document type" "EUSAIR thematic steering group for pillar 4 sustainable tourism: desk research report on stakeholder analysis and inventory of tourism resources" "Carić, Hrvoje; Marušić, Zrinka; Mackelworth, Peter" kbco:47 "journal article" "Development and the Initial Validation of a New Selfadministered Questionnaire for an Early Detection of Health Status Changes in Smokers at Risk for Chronic Obstructive Pulmonary Disease (MARKO Questionnaire)" "Vrbica, Žarko; Labor, Marina; Košćec Đuknić, Adrijana; Radošević-Vidaček, Biserka; Gudelj, Ivan; Labor, Slavica; Jurić, Iva; MA Calverley, Peter; Plavec, Davor"